Ceviche, Tucunaré, Marinated ProductAbstract
The consumption of semi-prepared food is growing significantly. Ceviche" is a nutrient-rich alternative food consisting of raw fish marinated in lime juice. Thus, the objective was to prepare a ceviche with a regional fish, the tucunaré, and to evaluate its physicochemical and microbiological characteristics, as well asits acceptability. The fish was obtained through breeding, prepared in the laboratories of the UNISULMA/IESMA institution, as were the microbiological analyses of multiple tubes (MPN) and the physical-chemical analyses of humidity, PH, and ashes according to the Adolfo Lutz Institute - IAL. Afterwards, a sensorial analysis of the product's acceptability was performed, with 55 untrained tasters. The results were satisfactory, of the three physical-chemical determinations, only the humidity was outside the standards of the legislation in force, while the microbiological results fit within the parameters of the legislation. The 5-point hedonic scale sensory analysis (165/IV), had about 78% overall impression approval. In view of this, the determined objectives were achieved in a satisfactory way
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